Employer Expectations

The GVSU Career Center adheres to the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice 并期望与我们合作的雇主也这样做,并遵守 NACE Professional Standards for University Relations & Recruiting. 雇主也必须遵守所有GVSU就业中心的政策和程序概述如下.

Recruiting Policies & Guidelines

The GVSU Career Center adheres to the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practiceand expects employers we work with to do the same, as well as comply with NACE Professional Standards for University Relations & Recruiting. Employers must also comply with all GVSU Career Center policies and procedures outlined below.

  • 雇主必须严格保密学生和 alumni data as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Employers that violate FERPA regulations will lose access to GVSU Career Center services.
  • GVSU就业中心保留拒绝为任何申请人提供服务的权利 employer that violates the NACE Professional Standards for University Relations & Recruiting or any university policies. In 因此,GVSU就业中心的工作人员不推荐或选择 candidates for employers.
  • Employers must strictly adhere to all GVSU Job Posting Standards.
  • The GVSU Career Center works with third parties recruiters only under limited circumstances (view policy).
  • GVSU就业中心保留拒绝为任何申请人提供服务的权利 雇主,如果审查一个特定的机会或性质/状态 of the organization suggests that it is inappropriate for our students/alumni; if students/alumni are injured or exposed to unsafe working conditions at the employer work site; if the employer discriminates; or if GVSU receives student/alumni complaints about 歧视、骚扰、威胁或其他不安全/可疑的行为 working conditions. In the event that a student/alumni experiences any harassment, or actual or potential harm in the employer 工作场所,用人单位的招聘特权将被暂停 pending further investigation.
  • Employers who do not provide complete organizational contact information (organization name, address, website, description, 联系人姓名,联系人的组织电子邮件地址,联系人 phone number) will not be granted employer services. GVSU Career 中心工作人员将审查联系信息和雇主的 website for appropriateness. Employers should have an EID number prior to initiating any campus recruitment activities.
  • GVSU就业中心不会为任何雇主提供服务 谁收取任何形式的费用或要求预先购买 products or work equipment/tools.
  • Employers are expected to maintain a positive, collaborative 与GVSU就业中心的工作人员保持良好的工作关系,按时完成工作 有关校园面试,并根据要求提供招聘资料.

雇主活动注册费必须在30天内提交 following the event. Fees are non-refundable for an organization canceling within five business days prior to the event. Future event registration for an organization with an unpaid balance due to 不汇款,延迟取消,或不出席将不予受理 approved until full payment is received. Access to all other recruiting services will also be denied.

为了让你的名单得到GVSU职业委员会的批准 中心、雇主和发布必须遵守以下标准:

  • 提供完整的组织联系信息(组织) 名称、地址、组织URL、组织描述、博天堂官方 姓名、联系单位邮箱地址、联系电话).
  • Adhere to NACE Professional Standards for University Relations & Recruiting.
  • Conform to applicable Equal Opportunity Employment laws and related legislation.
  • Postings with expiration dates more than one-year after the initial posting date will not be approved.
  • 为了确保最大限度的暴露,我们建议在 two-weeks and six-months from the initial posting date.
  • No fees of any kind may be charged to students or alumni.
  • Job opportunities related to the use or distribution of 娱乐性或医用大麻或相关产品将不在此列 posted or approved (view policy).

为了给学生充分参与校园活动的机会 recruitment and interview process, we ask employers toreview and abide by NACE Guidelines regarding Setting Reasonable Deadlines for Job Offers (excerpted below). For Fall recruitment, we recommend a November offer deadline. For Spring recruitment, we recommend a March offer deadline.

“对于毕业生和实习生来说,在一个强劲、快节奏的就业市场, some employers attempt to mitigate the effects of job-market 与实践竞争,包括提供激励和/或 要求学生在短时间内接受工作机会. 在某些情况下,这些做法可能会导致学生感觉 that they were pressured to accept offers. Experience shows the best 学生和雇主的就业决定都是这样的 are made without pressure and with the greatest amount of information and transparency. Students given sufficient time to attend career fairs, participate in on-campus interviews, and 完成他们目前正在进行的面试 更有可能做出正确的长期就业决定 less likely to renege on job acceptances."


根据全国大学和雇主协会的规定 (NACE), we define "third party recruiters" as agencies, 招聘临时、 兼职或全职工作机会,但非为他们 own needs. This includes entities that refer or recruit on behalf of 营利性或非营利性组织,包括 收集学生资料以供雇主参考 of recruitment and/or employment. The term “third party recruiters” refers to, but is not limited to employment agencies, staffing 服务,临时机构,在线工作板,招聘人员,和 contractors. Third party recruiters must agree to the following conditions:

  1. 第三方招聘人员将披露客户的姓名 或者第三方招聘人员所代表的客户 whom the credentials will be disclosed.
  2. The GVSU Career Center maintains the right to verify this information with the known client.
  3. 虽然客户端信息不需要列在 发布时,第三方招聘人员必须向客户透露姓名 prospective candidates.
  4. Under no circumstances can student or alumni information be 非为招聘目的披露,也不能披露 出售或提供给客户以外的其他实体 the resumes are designated.
  5. Attendance at GVSU events and fairs will be limited to a reasonable number of third party recruiters, approved on a 先到先得,由GVSU职业生涯决定 Center. Any third party recruiters permitted to participate must represent employers who have authorized them to do so and must disclose the names of the employers they represent.

In order to ensure compliance with federal law (Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and the University’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy), the GVSU Career Center will not 促进实习或工作机会的职位,其中 学生将拥有、使用或分发联邦非法大麻 products (contains > 0.3% THC). Additionally, GVSU 在学生愿意实习的职位上不安排实习以获得学分吗 possess, use, or distribute federally illegal cannabis products (contains > 0.3% THC).  Subject to the above, this 然而,政策并不禁止推广或主办任何 其他大麻行业公司的实习或工作机会 industry or ancillary industries.

雇主被允许在Handshake网站上发布职位和行为 然而,就业中心批准的学生招聘活动 should never be solicited as clients explicitly or implicitly.  此外,雇主不得让学生参与 peer-to-peer solicitation. The purpose of recruitment activities is to 雇佣学生和校友作为你的组织的雇员,而不是 prospect for new clients. The GVSU Career Center reserves the right to 如果违反此策略,撤销握手和招聘权限.

在GVSU会计招聘是一个激动人心的时刻,从 每年劳工节后的第一周到十月的第一周. 会计招聘以年度预招聘活动拉开帷幕 由GVSU的Kappa Beta分会主办,给学生们 and firms an opportunity to meet. For more information on Accounting Pre-Recruiting, please visit tjn.unpopperuno.com/bap.  

Following the Pre-Recruiting eventsGVSU will host 9月最后一周和9月第一周的校内面试 October for interested firms and corporations free of charge. 参加校内面试不仅方便 学生和校友,但允许组织增加他们的 并与我们的会计教师和管理人员建立联系. 

In order to give students the chance to fully engage in the 在整个招聘和面试过程中,我们会询问雇主 避免要求候选人承诺工作机会 until after the first Friday of October , and to review and abide by NACE Guidelines regarding Setting Reasonable Deadlines for Job Offers (excerpted below).

“对于毕业生和实习生来说,在一个强劲、快节奏的就业市场, some employers attempt to mitigate the effects of job-market 与实践竞争,包括提供激励和/或 要求学生在短时间内接受工作机会. 在某些情况下,这些做法可能会导致学生感觉 that they were pressured to accept offers. Experience shows the best 学生和雇主的就业决定都是这样的 are made without pressure and with the greatest amount of information and transparency. Students given sufficient time to attend career fairs, participate in on-campus interviews, and 完成他们目前正在进行的面试 更有可能做出正确的长期就业决定 less likely to renege on job acceptances."


Page last modified July 15, 2021